Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Message from Andy, the music director, about the Honk! band...

In addition to my role of working with the cast on the show songs, I will also be leading the band that provides the live accompaniment to the production.  We're still in need of some band members, so I'm getting the word out through the Honk! family to see if you can help me out.  We have openings for the following instruments: electric bass, clarinet, alto & baritone saxophone, and horn

If you can pass this info along to musicians, music teachers and church music directors you know, I would greatly appreciate it.  The music is not for beginners - there is a lot to learn in a fairly short amount of time - but I think talented high school, college, or adult musicians would be able to handle it just fine.

I will bring copies of a brochure to the first weekend of rehearsals you can post at your school or church or pass along to musician friends of yours. Have anyone interested contact me at andy.tobie@gmail.com.

Andy Bryant